Contact: | Alicia Jipson, Town Administrator |
Address: | PO Box 310 143 Main Street Belmont, NH 03220-0310 |
Phone: | 603-267-8300 x 124 |
Fax: | 603-267-8327 |
Hours: | Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm |
For meetings that are available in video format, visit Livestream or the Videos and Livestream page
Ronald Mitchell, Vice Chairman (2025) | Albert Akerstrom (2025) | Ruth Mooney, Ex Officio (2025) |
Rachel French | Don Hurd (2026) | Marsha Campbell (2026) |
Jessica Fleck (2027) | Paul Maggioli | Mark Roberts (2027) |
Vacant | Fred Wells (2025) | Tracey LeClair, Chairman (2025) |
Don House (2027) |
Member vacancies are filled by election by the voters in March as terms expire. The term of office is three years.