Town of Belmont, New Hampshire
Town of Belmont
New Hampshire
Town of Belmont, New Hampshire
Town of Belmont
New Hampshire

Cemetery Trustees

Cemetery Image
Contact: Sharon Ciampi
Address: Cemetery Trustees
PO Box 310
143 Main Street
Belmont, NH 03220-0310
Phone: 603-581-9746
Fax: 603-267-8327
(Town Offices)

NOTE:  In accordance with RSA 289:3 and the Belmont Zoning Ordinance, there is a 25' area around the outside of all cemeteries and burial grounds within which no construction, excavation or building shall occur.  This includes the removal of stumps.


Hillary Horn, Chairman (2026) Fred Wells (2027) Sharon Ciampi (2028)
Barbara Binette, Alternate (2025) Katie Eaton, Alternate (2025)  

Member vacancies are filled by election by the voters in March as terms expire. The term of office is three years.

Lots and Burials

The Town of Belmont does not have a municipal cemetery, but does contract with the privately owned/operated South Road Cemetery where Belmont residents can obtain burial lots. For more information contact South Road Cemetery Association, Tim Hayes, P.O. Box 138, Belmont, NH 03220, 603-387-6743.

Additional Links

NH RSA 289   Cemetery Regulations   Map of Cemeteries  Zoning Ordinance  Site Plan Regulations 


The Town of Belmont Cemetery Trustees 

Request for Proposals for Tree Removal

Belmont NH Heritage - private compilation of history & genealogy information

NH's overgrown cemeteries stand as sentinels to history  Union Leader 160422

Belmont Cemeteries, Burial Grounds and Cemetery Associations  Compiled by Helen Maxcy Hill, Indexed and Printed by Diane M. Marden, April, 2006

Belmont cemeteries and burial grounds

Adams Jamestown Road / Chapman's Field
Bartlett Home Road
Bean Hill Bean Hill Road
Chertok Shaker Road (burial ground)
Condodemetraky Gilmanton Road
Deroy Leavitt Road (burial ground)
Dow Province Road & Hoadley Road
Farrar Province Road
Folsom Province Road
Gile Jamestown Road / Bunker's Field
Hackett Tomb Wuelper's Farm (burial ground)
Hadley Federal Street
Highland Church Hill (originally Upper Gilmanton Union)
Jackson Jamestown Road / Hill's Field (now Ellis's)
Jamestown Jamestown Road or Elkins
Judkins or Hunt Hurricane Road & Union Road
Ladd Hill Ladd Hill Road
Lamprey Province Road & Durrell Mountain Road
Leavitt Leavitt Road / Orchard
Moulton Hackett Road
Perkins Perkins Road (aka Mt. Auburn or Semple)
Page Lamprey Road
Prescott Bishop Road
Randlett Plummer Hill Road
South Road South Road (association) orig. Gilmanton South Rd.
Spiller Province Road (burial ground)
Swallow Swallowtail Road (burial ground)
Weymouth Brown Hill Road
Wolcott Durrell Mountain Road
Woodman Hurricane Road
Young Leavitt Road