
Contact: |
Colleen Akerman
Address: |
PO Box 310
143 Main Street
Belmont, NH 03220-0310 |
Phone: |
603-267-8300 x 118 |
Fax: |
603-267-8327 |
Hours: |
Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm |
2024 Revaluation

The Town of Belmont will be conducting a 5-year town-wide Revaluation for 2024.
Please refer to the following documents for more information on frequently asked questions, the timeline, a press release and how to read your tax card:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Revalue FAQ-2024 (PDF)
Sample Revaluation/Impact Notice - 2024 Sample Impact Notice (PDF)
Press Release - 2024 Town of Belmont Property Revaluation (PDF)
Vision Property Tax Card Sample with Explanations (PDF)
2023 Tax Rate
The 2023 Town of Belmont tax rate was set in coordination with the Department of Revenue Administration. This year’s total tax rate has been set at $17.47 which breaks down as follows:
Town |
$5.86 |
Local School |
$9.47 |
State School |
$1.25 |
County |
$0.89 |
Equalization Ratio |
88.5% |
Overall, the rate decreased by $1.64 this year.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 267-8300 ext. 124 or email

2022 Tax Rate
The 2022 Town of Belmont tax rate was set in coordination with the Department of Revenue Administration. This year’s total tax rate has been set at $19.11 which breaks down as follows:
Town |
$6.33 |
Local School |
$10.95 |
State School |
$0.95 |
County |
$0.88 |
Equalization Ratio |
91.8% |
Overall, the rate decreased by $7.56 this year.
Due to the Property Sales update, we were able to capture a significant increase in the Town’s valuation which helped reduce the tax rate for the Town and Local School portions of the tax rate.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 267-8300 ext. 124 or email
As many of you are aware the Town conducted a Sales Update townwide in 2022 & 2023. Below is some helpfull information to help you better understand the revaluation process and some frquently asked questions.
Click Here for the Town of Belmont Revaluation Frequently asked questions 2023
Click Here for the Town of Belmont Revaluation Frequently asked questions
Click Here for the Press Release From KRT on the 2022 Statistical Update
Property Record/Tax Cards
Updated 2023 tax cards for all Belmont properties have been uploaded to our website, and can be accessed through the AxisGIS system:
Cards may be searched by property address, owner name or map and lot number. Once you locate the property you are looking for, click on VISION PROPERTY CARD under the Documents section (see example below).
Please note that ownership and mailing addresses may have been updated since the 2023 cards were finalized and posted to our website.

Please click here for the Standard form PA-29 (PDF) for the following Credits and Exemptions:
In addition to the required PA-29 application, the Town's Exemption Worksheet also needs to be filled out and handed in with the PA-29. Click here for the Exemption Worksheet for the Elderly and Disabled.
In addition to the PA-29 application that is required for the Veterans Credit, the Town's Veterans Affidavit also needs to be filled out and handed in with the PA-29. Click here for for the Veterans Certification Affidavit form.
Click Here for the Property Tax Exemption for Commercial & Industrial Properties RSA 72:81
Additional Links & Bookmarks
Additional Links & Bookmarks
- Continuous update of property ownership, owners' names and addresses
- Review and update property assessments as needed, annually.
- Verification of deed histories and sales research
- Calculation of Payments in Lieu of Taxes
- Administration of tax credits and exemptions
- Abatements
Tax Rates and Revaluation
Both the Town and the School District conduct a budget process beginning in late fall through early February and the final budgets are then put before the voters at the Annual Town and School District meetings. The total amount of money voted to be raised by taxation is then divided by the Town's total valuation (total value of taxable property) resulting in the tax rate per $1,000 for that year.
Values of properties within the town appreciate or depreciate at different rates due to market fluctuations and the State requires Towns complete a revaluation of properties every 5 years.
In 2014, the appraisal company of Commerford Nieder Perkins, LLC completed a revaluation of all properties within the Town of Belmont. Belmont's 2013 Equalization Ratio was 122.6% and the purpose of the revaluation was to insure proportionality in our values and to bring all properties to 100% of market value. The 2014 tax rate was based on these new assessed values.
In 2015 The Board of Selectmen reviewed proposals to adjust property assessments annually so that the State's 5-year revaluation cycle does not result in unnecessarily large fluctuations in Belmont's tax rate.
In 2018-2019, the appraisal company of KRT Appraisals completed a revaluation of all properties within the Town of Belmont.
Abatement Application Form The deadline for filing an abatement application with the Town of Belmont is March 1 following the notice of tax, which is the bill you receive in late October or early November. The Town has until July 1 following notice of tax to grant or deny the application. You (the taxpayer) must file an appeal to the BTLA or the Superior Court if you are still aggrieved by the Town's decision no earlier than after receiving the municipality's decision on the abatement or July 1 following the notice of tax if the Town has not responded; and no later than September 1.
Assessor's Maps (Tax Maps)
Assessor's Maps (Tax Maps)
These maps are for general assessing purposes, are not necessarily based on a legal property survey and cannot be used as a basis to transfer property. Property lines and other information are updated after April 1st annually. Choose the map you wish to view by "clicking” on the appropriate map number shown on the map index page.
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New Hampshire Timber Tax Law
The Notice of Intent to Cut: (RSA 79:10)
The State of New Hampshire has a real estate tax and by definition timber is considered to be real estate, therefore taxable. However, the method in which it is taxed is different from other real estate and is described in the State Constitution. Timber is only taxed at the time it is cut and at a rate, which encourages the growing of timber. In order for the municipal assessing officials to be aware of cutting operations they must be notified of the cutting by the owner filing a notice of intent to cut timber. The Notice of Intent, which is required by law, notifies the assessing officials, NH Department of Revenue (DRA) and the NH Div of Forest & Lands. Timber on all land ownerships is taxable at 10% of the stumpage value at the time of cutting.
The only exemptions are as follows:
- 10 MBF saw logs and 20 cords fuel wood for personal use by the owner. (RSA 79:1 II(b) 1&2)
- 10 MBF saw logs and 20 cords of wood for land conversion purposes when all permits for the conversion have been received.(RSA 79:1 II (b) 5)
- Shade and ornamental trees, usually considered to be trees within striking distance of a building. (RSA 79:2)
- Christmas trees, fruit trees, and nursery stock and short rotation tree fiber. (RSA 79:2)
- Any amount of firewood for maple syrup production. (RSA 79:1 II (b) 2)
- Government and utilities not selling the wood.(RSA 79:1 II (b) 3 & 4)
(Items 1-6, No Intent required and Timber not taxable)
The Notice of Intent to Cut must be completed with a volume estimate, signed by the assessing officials and posted on the job site before any cutting requiring a notice can start. The original volume estimate cannot be exceeded without filing a supplemental Notice of Intent to cut for additional volumes. Notice of Intent to Cut forms are available from the DRA and the Town (RSA 79:10).
Town officials have 15 days to sign the Intent to cut form (RSA 79:10 I (b). They may withhold signing only for the following reasons:
- The form has been improperly filled out (RSA 79:10).
- Land is enrolled in the unproductive current use category that does not allow timber harvesting. (RSA 79-A:2, XIII, Current Use Administrative Rule Cub 305.02 (b);
- A timber tax bond is required but has not been posted (RSA 79:3-a).
- All owners of record have not signed the intent to cut (RSA 79:1,II & 79:10 I (a)). All owners of record are listed on the property record card.
If Town officials have not acted on the Intent to Cut within 15 days of receipt the landowner should contact DRA, which then inquires with the town as to the status of the paperwork. If municipal officials are withholding signing, the landowner should be notified in writing by the town as to the reasons within 30 days of receipt of the Notice of Intent to Cut by the town.
Tax Responsibility: (RSA 79:1 II(a))
The responsibility for the timber tax depends on the type of ownership and must be one of the following:
- Landowners with timber rights on their own land.
- Persons with deeded timber rights on land they previously owned
- Persons purchasing timber on public lands Federal, state, county, town, etc.
Timber Tax Bond: (RSA 79:10-a)
Owners that own land within the town the cutting is to take place and are current on property taxes and timber taxes cannot be required to post a timber tax bond. All other owners must post a timber tax bond before the Notice of Intent to Cut is signed. Timber tax bonds are usually equal to the expected timber tax.
Extensions: (RSA 79:10 II) (RSA 79:11 II)
- Extensions are allowed upon written request by the owner to the assessing officials prior to April 1st.
- Extensions allow cutting to continue through June 30 and reports are due August 15.
Report of Wood Cut: (RSA 79:11)
Report of Wood Cut forms are sent to the owners filing a notice along with a certificate, which should be posted at the job site. Reports of wood cut must be filed with the town within 60 days of completion or by May 15, whichever comes first. The report form serves as the basis for determining the timber yield tax.
Appeal Process: (RSA 79:8)
If a taxpayer believes they have been overtaxed they must appeal to the Town within 90 days of the tax bill. If the Town denies the appeal then the taxpayer may appeal to the Board of Tax and Land Appeals (BTLA) within 6 months of the tax bill for an appeal board hearing. The Guideline to Assessing Timber is available from DRA to assist owners and towns in proper assessment of timber per NH timber tax law.
Penalties, Doomage and Enforcement: (RSA 79:12) (RSA 21:J 39) (RSA 79:28 & 28-a)
Fines for non-compliance range up to $2000. A Doomage penalty may be assessed for improper reporting (Doomage is two times what the tax would have been if the Report had been seasonably filed and truly reported.) The DRA and Division of Forest & Lands have authority to issue a cease and desist for any cutting operation not in compliance with RSA 79.
This is only a synopsis of the law, for further clarification refer to the New Hampshire statutes or call the Department of Revenue Administration, Property Appraisal Division at 271-2687.
Current Use Program
To apply for current use assessment, the landowner must complete a Current Use Application and submit to the Town by April 15th. You must submit the filing fee and a map of each parcel going into current use; the map should also show any portion of land not to be classified under current use.
Current Use Booklet
Current Use Forms
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Tax Relief for Renovations
Does your Factory Village District building need renovation, but you're worried about the potential increase in taxes?
In 2011, Belmont voters approved the adoption of RSA 79-E which will provide temporary TAX RELIEF for a property owner to revitalize their building in the Factory Village District of Belmont! RSA 79-E allows a property owner to apply to the Board of Selectmen to delay the increases in taxes for up to 5 years. Please refer to the RSA 79-E Handout or contact the Town Administrator's office at Town Hall for details and an application!
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Veterans Tax Credit
Applications may be obtained from the Assessing Office.
- A Credit of $500.00 from real estate tax bill ($250 off 1st tax bill & $250 off 2nd tax bill)
- Honorable discharge from service
- Applicant must apply with a copy of DD-214 or equivalent
- Applicant must own property on April 1st of year of application
- NH resident for 1 year prior to April 1st of the application year
- Primary Residence/Principle place of abode
- Must be in armed service for a minimum of 90 days
NOTE: If you are receiving a Veterans Credit in any other Town, City or State, you are NOT eligible to receive the Veterans Credit in the Town of Belmont.
Apply by the filing deadline date of April 15th of the current tax year.
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Disabled Veterans Tax Credit
Disabled Veterans or Widow of Disabled Veteran Tax Credit (RSA 72:35)
Applications may be obtained from the Assessing Office.
Any person who has been honorably discharged from the military service and who has a total and permanent service-connected disability, or the surviving spouse of such a person shall receive a yearly tax credit of $1,400 of property taxes on his residential property.:
- Exemption: $1,400 reduction of total real estate tax bill
- Disability must be total and permanent service-connected injury (regardless of dates served)
- Principle place of abode
- Owner of the property on April 1st of application year
Apply with copy of letter from Veterans Administration certifying 100% total and permanent disability by the filing deadline date of April 15th of the current tax year.
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Blind Tax Exemption
Blind Tax Exemption (RSA 72:37)
A resident who is legally blind as determined by the Blind Services Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of the Education Department shall be exempt each year of the assessed value, for property tax purposes, of his or her residential real estate to the value of $15,000.
Applications may be obtained from the Assessing Office.
- Applies only to residential property
- Applicant must be determined legally blind by NH Services for the Blind
Certification letters to be obtained from:
State of New Hampshire
Department of Education
Bureau of Services for Blind and Visually Impaired
21 South Fruit Street, Ste 20
Concord, NH 03301-8530
Tel: (603) 271-3537
Fax: (603) 271-3816
Apply with copy of certification letter by the filing deadline date of April 15th of the current tax year.
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Elderly Tax Exemption
Elderly Tax Exemption Elderly Exemption Qualifications (RSA 72:39-a & b)
Applications may be obtained from the Assessing Office.
In 2025, the Town voted to increase the income limit, asset limit and exemption amount for the Elderly Exemption.
The Town of Belmont requires a State PA-29 Application for Exemption Form and an Elderly Exemption Worksheet to determine if an individual qualifies for the exemption. These forms can be obtained at Town Hall.
- The applicant must be 65 years or older April 1st of the tax year.
- The applicant must be a New Hampshire resident for the past three years.
- The property in which the exemption is claimed must be the primary residence/principal place of abode.
- Income Limitations (from all sources, including social security, based on earnings during prior calendar year):
a. Single $35,000
b. Married $50,000
- Asset Limitations
a. $200,000 (Excluding the value of the applicant’s residence, excluding excess acreage)
- Exemptions
a. Age 65-74 $80,000 off assessed valuation
b. Age 75-79 $100,000
c. Age 80 + $150,000
Apply by the filing deadline date of April 15th of the current tax year.
Recertification required every 5 years, or upon change in income/assets/circumstances.
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Exemption for the Disabled
Exemption for the Disabled
In 2015, the Town voted to adopt the provisions of RSA 72:37-b, Exemption for the Disabled, to allow a property tax exemption for qualified taxpayers. In 2025, the Town voted to increase the income limit, asset limit and exemption amount.
The Town of Belmont requires a State PA-29 Application for Exemption Form and a Disability Exemption Worksheet to determine if an individual qualifies for the exemption. These forms can be obtained at Town Hall.
- The applicant must be receiving Title II or Title XVI Social Security Benefits (Documentation is required).
- The applicant must be a New Hampshire resident for five consecutive years.
- Must own the property on April 1st of application year
- If the property is owned by a spouse, must have been married for 5 consecutive years
- The property in which the exemption is claimed must be the primary residence/principal place of abode.
- Income Limitations (from all sources, including social security, based on earnings during prior calendar year):
a. Single $35,000
b. Married $50,000
- Asset Limitations
a. $200,000 (Excluding the value of the applicant’s residence, excluding excess acreage)
- Exemption:
a. $80,000 off assessed valuation
Apply by the filing deadline date of April 15th of the current tax year.
Recertification required every 5 years, or upon change in income/assets/circumstances.
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Solar Energy System Tax Exemption
Solar Energy System Tax ExemptionIn accordance with RSA 72:61, the Town of Belmont offers a Solar Energy System Tax Exemption. Please contact the Assessing Office for further information and to submit an application.
State Application for Exemption PA-29 required along with a copy of the solar invoice.
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