Town of Belmont, New Hampshire
Town of Belmont
New Hampshire
Town of Belmont, New Hampshire
Town of Belmont
New Hampshire



Contact: Alicia Jipson, Town Administrator 
Address: PO Box 310
143 Main Street
Belmont, NH 03220-0310
Phone: 603-267-8300 x 124
Fax: 603-267-8327 
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm 



Name Title  Extension 
Alicia Jipson  Town Administrator  603-267-8300 x 124
Colleen Akerman Administrative Assistant  603-267-8300 x 118


As your Town Administrator, it is exciting to work for you, the residents of Belmont and I am happy to assist you in any way I can. Town Staff and I are committed to delivering the best community services possible. The Town Administrator is appointed by the Select Board to function as the Administrative Officer of the Town, responsible for the proper administration of all the departments of town government.

The Town Administrator serves at the pleasure of the Select Board, c
arries out policy decisions of the Board, and oversees all property owned by the Town. The Administrator keeps the Select Board informed of the Town’s needs and ongoing conditions, makes reports as may be required by law, requested by the Select Board, or judged necessary by the Administrator.


The Town Administrator takes part in all discussions that come before the Select Board, but acts in a non-voting advisory capacity.