Town of Belmont, New Hampshire
Town of Belmont
New Hampshire
Town of Belmont, New Hampshire
Town of Belmont
New Hampshire

Belmont Fire Department Firefighter Visits

Firefighters can visit your facility for safety education and workplace training.

Facility visits are designed for groups of 10 or more people.  If children will be present, an adequate number of chaperones must be present to quickly clear the children from the fire truck or ambulance if there is an emergency.  A parking area must be provided where the fire truck or ambulance can get in and out quickly in the event of an emergency.

Firefighters remain ‘in-service’ during visits.  Fire companies may need to respond to emergencies.  If they do, it will be necessary for the visit to be rescheduled.  Also, the visit may be cancelled at the last minute without notification due to emergency response requirements.  Please keep this in mind when scheduling.

Firefighter visits may be scheduled between the hours of 9:00am-11:00am and 1:00pm—4:00pm, 7-days a week.  Please allow 2 weeks notice to schedule your visit.  Visits last between 20-40 minutes depending on the age group and topics discussed.

Safety discussions and handout materials vary for different age groups.  Please specify the number of participants for each age group that will be in attendance.


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